General insurance – Actuarial Strategy and Development Working Party – members

Application closing date: 12 January

The IFoA is seeking to appoint five experienced, proactive and innovative volunteers to join the new Actuarial Strategy and Development Working Party. The group welcomes applications from suitably qualified non-members.

This working party is looking to appoint volunteers working across a variety of actuarial disciplines to:

  • help understand the strategic roles of the actuarial skill set within organisations
  • identify common challenges faced by actuarial teams

The working party will be looking to understand the impact of new or advancing technology such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and the use of advanced analytics on actuarial teams and their ways of working. The group will consider the current state of a typical actuarial career path, its recent and future trajectory.

Outputs volunteers will be producing may include:

  • a framework for strategic thinking to include new or advancing technologies, maximise commercial relevance, and integrate actuarial expertise within insurers
  • a summary of different operating models for actuarial teams within organisations
  • strategies for developing teams and extending the actuary’s role into other areas of an organisation
  • strategies for supporting the evolving actuarial career path through to Chief Actuary

To read more about the working party, see its terms of reference (PDF, 360 KB).

Time commitment

The time commitment varies but will not be more than a maximum of 2 hours per month. The working group will consist of quarterly meetings with more regular meeting scheduled as required.

Next steps

If you are interested in this role but would like an informal conversation before applying, please email us at

If you have read all the above and would like to apply, please send us:

  • brief details of your relevant experience
  • your reasons for wishing to get involved
  • your ARN (if you are a member)
  • a brief copy of your CV and full contact details (if you are a non-member)
  • confirmation that you have read, understood, and agree to the information and requirements laid out in our volunteer information pack (please be aware that until we have received this confirmation, we will not be able to appoint you as a volunteer)

Please email all the above to Please note, we are unable to accept late applications.

We are committed to promoting diversity, equality of opportunity, and inclusion, within all our vacancies and we actively encourage applications from a diverse range of potential candidates. Recognising and embracing the unique and diverse talents of our volunteers is fundamental to the success of our organisation.

What you need to know

Volunteering provides you with a wide range of opportunities. With all rights and opportunities come responsibilities and we ask all our volunteers to comply with the terms of the IFoA’s governance manual and volunteer information pack. Before offering to provide support, please read through: what you need to know.