All the technical requirements for our new exam system
Microsoft Office 2013 or later
Guardian Browser only
3 Mbps (approx 3,000 Kbps) Upload & Download
Wifi is supported but we recommend a fixed internet connection. Mobile hotspots and tethering is not supported.
640x480 resolution
All microphones other than those built into headphones are permitted.
Built-in or external speakers are required.
We recommend 2 cores at 2.4ghz
Your computer or device date and time must be set to the local time and zone for the country where you are sitting your exam. Please do not adjust the time on your device to UK time.
Not supported
Not supported
Maximum file size should be no more than 100MB.
If your file sizes exceed 100MB, your submission may not upload and may not be considered for marking.
Your computer or device must have the ability to extract files from a compressed ZIP folder.