Critical Illness Incidence Rates Working Party – Chair, Deputy Chair and members

Application closing date: 31 July 2024

Critical Illness insurance products continue to be a vital solution in many markets for protecting individuals against the financial risks of acquiring a critical illness. There is potential to build on the industry's understanding of CI rates by researching population health datasets (in particular, the Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) data from NHS England) and developing CI incidence rates for the general population in order to provide benchmarks for insured portfolios.

Some of these aims have been addressed in the past, however, it is time that these approaches were revisited and brought up to date with the latest population health datasets and analysis techniques. Furthermore, an analysis of trends in CI rates since 2013 would be highly valuable in the context of changing social and economic conditions in England and the Covid pandemic.

In addition to the results directly applicable to actuaries working in life insurance, the Working Party will use this opportunity to work with population-level health data to develop outputs that would be of interest to NHS and social care audiences in England, demonstrating the key responsibility of working in the public interest, and how standard actuarial techniques (CI experience investigations) can be very useful for public health organisations and showing the value that actuaries can bring to working with anonymous health data to support delivery of health services.

To read more about the working party, see its terms of reference.

Time commitment

The time commitment varies but will not be more than a maximum of 2 hours per month. The working group will consist of monthly meetings, with more regular meeting as required.

Next steps

If you are interested in this role but would like an informal conversation before applying, please email us at

If you have read all the above and would like to apply, please send us:

  • brief details of your relevant experience
  • your reasons for wishing to get involved
  • your ARN (if you are a member)
  • a brief copy of your CV and full contact details (if you are a non-member)
  • confirmation of which position you are applying for
  • confirmation that you have read, understood, and agree to the information and requirements laid out in our volunteer information pack (please be aware that until we have received this confirmation, we will not be able to appoint you as a volunteer)

Please email all the above to Please note, we are unable to accept late applications.

We are committed to promoting diversity, equality of opportunity, and inclusion, within all our vacancies and we actively encourage applications from a diverse range of potential candidates. Recognising and embracing the unique and diverse talents of our volunteers is fundamental to the success of our organisation.

What you need to know

Volunteering provides you with a wide range of opportunities. With all rights and opportunities come responsibilities and we ask all our volunteers to comply with the terms of the IFoA’s governance manual and volunteer information pack. Before offering to provide support, please read through: what you need to know.