Founded in May 1974, the Bristol Actuarial Society aims to provide local opportunities for all members of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA) to meet, discuss and debate matters of professional interest
The society has approximately 700 members stretching out from Bristol to Exeter, Cardiff, Cheltenham, Gloucester, and Swindon.
James Fisher, Willis Towers Watson - President
Isabella Tyzack, Willis Towers Watson - Honorary Secretary
Ben Thompson, PwC - Honorary Treasurer
Alice Dymond, Broadstone - Honorary Membership Secretary
Committee members
Declan Carroll, Canada Life
Kris Hristakev, LBG
Oscar Lomas, Ernst & Young
Dorota Szczepaniak, Aviva
Guy Taylor
Jo Thorpe, KPMG
Typically, the programme of events for the year includes approximately six talks and six social events. Meetings are generally held in Bristol but there have been meetings in other locations.
The society is open to joint meetings with other regional actuarial societies and with other organisations such as:
Visit the Bristol Actuarial Society’s website to find out more about what's going on.
Membership of the society is free upon provision of an e-mail address. To join, please visit the Bristol Actuarial Society website. You can also email us at