Practising Certificate Holders

New CPD Scheme requirements for all Practising Certificate holders

Under the terms of the new CPD Scheme, you will have a requirement to complete 15 hours of CPD from 1 September 2020 – 31 August. In addition, the updated PC Scheme requires that you complete an additional 15 hours of technical CPD related to the role (or roles) covered by the PC you hold during the same period. So, in total, you will have 30 hours of CPD to complete during the CPD year if you are a PC Holder.

Related information

You can find useful information about the New CPD Scheme below.

External CPD hours

There is no specific requirement to attend external events for PC Holders and it will be up to you to determine your learning and development needs. However, we would encourage you to try, where possible, to obtain CPD from different sources, so that you benefit from a range of different perspectives.

Reflective practice discussion

You will be required to arrange and participate each CPD year in a Reflective Practice Discussion with an Appropriate Person (someone who understands the nature of your work, development and learning outcomes). This could be with a line manager, a peer or, if you are unable to identify someone suitable, with someone from a pool of appropriate persons organised by the IFoA. From September, each year the IFoA will also ask certain members to participate in a Reflective Practice Discussion with the IFoA Team. The purpose of these discussions is to allow you to consider your learning needs, and the outcomes of your CPD activities and then reflect on whether those outcomes met your needs. You will be expected to discuss all activities, whether you took part in them to fulfil the CPD Scheme requirements or the PC Scheme requirements.

If you are employed by an organisation that follows the IFoA’s QAS CPD Scheme

You will be exempt from the additional requirements under the PC Scheme and should follow the terms of your employer’s policies and procedures in relation to the QAS CPD Scheme.

If you are employed by an organisation that follows the IFoA’s QAS CPD Scheme and change employer during the CPD year

The additional CPD requirements under the PC Scheme will apply on a pro-rata basis, using the date from which you are no longer subject to the QAS CPD Scheme. If you have any further queries, please contact us.

Parental leave or leave due to ill health

Members on parental leave or leave due to ill health are deemed to be Non-Practising members for the purpose of CPD requirements under the CPD Scheme for the period of their absence and do not need to comply with CPD while they are on leave. We do ask that members notify us of Non-Practising status  so that we can update our own internal records. In terms of the additional CPD requirements for PC Holders in the PC Scheme, these may also be completed on a pro rata basis, deducting the period of absence.

CPD schedule

Practising Certificate Holders no longer have their own individual CPD year relating to their application date. Instead your CPD year will be the same as all members and restart annually on 1 September.

PC renewals

Any renewals after 1 September 2020 will happen after the new CPD Scheme is in place. There will no longer be a check by the IFoA of CPD compliance before a PC is renewed and you will no longer be required to log your CPD on the IFoA’s recording system to allow this check to happen. However, you will be asked to confirm that you will comply with the CPD requirements of the PC Scheme when you renew your certificate. You will also be required to confirm compliance with both the CPD Scheme and the updated PC Scheme when renewing your membership from 1 September 2021 onwards. You are required (under the new CPD Scheme) to keep your own record of CPD activity for use in Reflective Practice Discussions.

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If you have any enquires about Practising Certificates please email the Practising Certificates Team.


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