The Mortality Research Steering Committee (MRSC) is a group of actuaries and professionals from across disciplines who aim to advance mortality research through interaction and collaboration. One of the main responsibilities of the Mortality Research Steering Committee (MRSC) is to steer the Profession’s research relating to the demographic risks of mortality, morbidity and longevity.
The risk management of longevity is still in its infancy. The MRSC has published an IFoA Longevity Risk Framework intended to address the creation of an industry-standard definition of all the risks behaviours underlying longevity risk.
The MRSC also connects up with the International Actuarial Association’s Mortality Working Group. On their website, you can read the latest UK Mortality and Longevity Update prepared for the IAA Mortality Working Group and other interested parties.
The MRSC has been working on a project to obtain a cause of death dataset using the ONS’s multiple mentions dataset. The dataset has been published in the CMI website and the accompanying methods paper and further research has been published on this webpage.
The Mortality Research Steering Committee operates within a terms of reference.
There are many areas that the MRSC could explore and listed below are some potential priorities that the MRSC is not currently exploring.
If these are of interest to you and you would like to lead activity to address them then please contact Sacha Dhamani, Chair of the MRSC.
The former will be considered by the MRSC but with respect to the latter, it is possible that these are potential areas of focus for future issues of the Longevity Bulletin.