Annual report 2023-24: working together to make an impact


Acting in the public interest is at the heart of our Royal Charter and ensuring our members are heard is central to our work.

We hope you enjoy reading about the ways in which we have worked together over the last year to make a positive impact for the benefit of our members, stakeholders, and the wider public.

The report explores how members contributed to important debates and initiatives on some of society’s most complex issues, from informing government policy to offering insights into alternative economic thinking. We look back on our flagship conferences, the progress of our new online platform IFoA communities, and the significant contributions from our member’ volunteers.

Read about our work to ensure all our members can grow, develop, and thrive throughout their actuarial careers. And learn more about our work to support the reputation of the profession, our progress on the IFoA’s governance reforms, and our upgrades to enhance the digital experience.



“Listening, learning, and working in partnership with our members has underpinned all our progress throughout the year. When we, as an organisation, and our members collaborate through sharing ideas, experience, and expertise, we can excel. We hope you will enjoy reading about our progress in this year’s annual report.” Kalpana Shah, IFoA President 2023-24